Frequently Asked Questions


Are there questions we missed?

Please reach out using our contact form.

What are the operating hours?

We are open most of the week; Monday to Thursday 7am-8pm, Friday 9am-5pm, and Saturdays 8am-2pm.

Do you take my insurance?

We accept most major insurance carriers, including Worker’s Compensation (WC) and Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) cases. HSA/FSA receipts also provided. Please contact us and we will be happy to help you find out what coverage you have available for physical therapy services. Our billing team checks benefits and keeps an eye on accumulations, in addition to verifying the standard information; deductible/co-pay/co-insurance still left this year/ cycle. We aim for full transparency in all things to maintain a healthy therapeutic relationship with our patients.

How often do I come in?

That depends on your schedule and situation. Most people are here once per week, at the beginning, so we can help get you feeling better faster. Some people come in every other week or as infrequently as once per month. The goal is to eventually wean down to check-ups every 3-6-9-12 months, as you start to feel better. The ultimate goal is to keep you OUT of the office and doing the things you love without interruption :)

Orthopedic Physical Therapy

What happens during my first appointment?

First, we listen. We want to learn about your goals and how all of this started; whether that is pain or difficulty doing things that you were previously able to do that are now challenging or if you’re being bullied by friends to take on a new physical activity and you want to know if you can… It’s all open for discussion. Then, we will do a physical examination that involves checking strength and how much you can move by yourself and how flexible the joints are themselves, as well as a neurological examination to make sure there isn’t something else going on. Then we will talk about some things that you can start doing at home to help manage the symptoms. Together, we will come up with a plan to get you to where you want to be. Questions continue every visit. We think about our patients in between appointments, so we’re always looking for more information to best help you.

what happens during my treatment session?

Patient and doctor of physical therapy put into practice the plan developed at the initial evaluation. Because we take care of the whole person and whole body at the same time, each treatment session still involves ongoing and continued evaluations of every joint to ensure we stay on track. We strive to identify and address the root cause of the issue, avoiding temporary “band-aids”. Even if something changes suddenly, such as a surprise ankle sprain, we can easily incorporate that into your existing treatment plan. Whole person, whole body, means no joint left behind!

What do I wear?

Anything you are comfortable moving around in, including comfortable footwear.

Dry Needling

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy


On your initial visit your therapist will review your history and intake information as well as complete a subjective evaluation.  During this time you will talk with your therapist about how your symptoms started, what you are experiencing, how it impacts your daily function, and what your goals are for therapy.  Following this discussion, your therapist will perform a physical examination, including (if appropriate, and with your consent) an internal pelvic evaluation to determine what structures are involved.  After the physical evaluation, your therapist will discuss their findings with you, answer any questions, and create a plan, incorporating your goals for physical therapy. 


During your evaluation and treatment sessions you will need to wear comfortable loose clothing.  This may include comfortable shorts, yoga or sweat pants, comfortable walking shoes or sneakers, and a shirt. Some people may want to wear a sports bra so the therapist can easily view the trunk if necessary.


We are able to perform an evaluation and treatment even if you are having your menstrual cycle in most cases! Please contact your therapist prior to your appointment if you are concerned about being treated during this time.


Yes, of course! We are able to modify the pelvic exam to include only an external evaluation. We would discuss any limitations of the therapy plan of care, and work with you! 

Vestibular Physical Therapy

What is vertigo? 

Vertigo is a sensation that the person or their environment is moving when no motion is actually occurring. It can cause imbalance and is often a problem of the vestibular system in the inner ear. The vestibular system, along with vision and proprioception, communicate with the brain to interpret position and movements of your head and body. With vertigo or dizziness, there is often a disruption in how this information is processed. Vestibular rehabilitation is a specialty of physical therapy that can help alleviate these symptoms with repositioning maneuvers and exercises to help regain a sense of equilibrium. 

What are symptoms of Vestibular disorders? 

  • Vertigo 

  • Dizziness 

  • Unsteadiness or Imbalance

  • Motion Sensitivity

  • Headaches and brain fog

What are vestibular conditions a physical therapist can help with? 

  • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

  • Vestibular Neuritis/Labyrinthitis

  • Vestibular Hypofunction 

  • Imbalance 

  • Cervicogenic Dizziness

  • Vestibular Migraine

  • Concussion

  • Ménières Disease

  • Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness (3PD)